nitsNexus (PSI ) daily price
    Updated 2022-03-16
    -- SELECT
    -- date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date,
    -- event_attributes:"1_contract_address" as token, -- remove, added to verify
    -- address_name as token_name, -- can remove, added to verify
    -- count(distinct tx_id) as buy_counts,
    -- count(distinct event_attributes:sender) as buyer_counts,
    -- sum(event_attributes:"offer_amount"/pow(10,6)) as usd_offered, -- usd_offered
    -- avg(event_attributes:"offer_amount"/pow(10,6)) as usd_offered_avg, -- usd_offered
    -- sum(event_attributes:"return_amount"/pow(10,8)) as alt_bought, -- IMPORTANT ORION DECIMAL PLACE IS 8 NOT 6
    -- usd_offered/alt_bought as avg_buy_price
    -- FROM terra.msg_events
    -- LEFT JOIN terra.labels ON address = event_attributes:"1_contract_address" -- you can remove this if not needed
    -- WHERE event_type = 'from_contract'
    -- AND event_attributes:"0_contract_address" IN ('terra1mxyp5z27xxgmv70xpqjk7jvfq54as9dfzug74m',
    -- 'terra1z6tp0ruxvynsx5r9mmcc2wcezz9ey9pmrw5r8g',
    -- 'terra1s5wkurdh4sw47lgnk5em4h69v5vh9dncmkhyrg', 'terra1php5m8a6qd68z02t3zpw4jv2pj4vgw4wz0t8mz'
    -- ) -- these are Orion LP contract
    -- AND event_attributes:"offer_asset" = 'uusd'
    -- AND tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    -- GROUP BY 1,2,3

    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, avg(msg_value:execute_msg:swap:belief_price) as avg_price
    from terra.msgs
    where msg_value:contract = 'terra163pkeeuwxzr0yhndf8xd2jprm9hrtk59xf7nqf' and contains(msg_value, 'swap')
    -- where tx_id ilike 'CB051B707347DBA46834C97AC41F283309DF902D090107E934CFCF22E2714824'
    GROUP by 1
    order by 1 desc
    limit 60
    Run a query to Download Data