nitsHolders Headline Distribution
    Updated 2022-06-16
    SELECT distribution, COUNT(DISTINCT address) as total_addresses from
    (SELECT *, amount/pow(10,6) as amt
    , case when amt< pow(10,2) then '0-100'
    when amt >= pow(10,2) and amt<pow(10,4) then '100-10k'
    when amt >= pow(10,4) and amt<pow(10,5) then '10k-100k'
    when amt >= pow(10,5) and amt<pow(10,6) then '100k-1M'
    when amt >= pow(10,6) then '1M+'
    end as distribution
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account_asset
    where asset_closed = 'FALSE'
    and asset_id = '137594422' and amount!= '0')
    GROUP by 1
    limit 100
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