nitsALGO NFT Monthly launches
    Updated 2022-06-03
    with arc3 as (select * from algorand.asset
    where asset_url like '%#arc3'),
    arc69 as
    (select * from algorand.asset
    where asset_id in (select asset_id from (select try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) as xyz, * from algorand.asset_configuration_transaction )
    where xyz like '{"standard":"arc69",%')),
    a3 as
    ( SELECT trunc(block_timestamp,'month') as mon, count(DISTINCT asset_id) as total_launched,
    sum(total_launched) over (order by mon) as cumulative_launched, 'arc3' as type
    from arc3
    inner join algorand.block
    on created_at = block_id
    GROUP by 1 ),
    a69 as
    (SELECT trunc(block_timestamp,'month') as mon, count(DISTINCT asset_id) as total_launched,
    sum(total_launched) over (order by mon) as cumulative_launched, 'arc69' as type
    from arc69
    inner join algorand.block
    on created_at = block_id
    GROUP by 1 )
    SELECT * from a3
    SELECT * from a69
    limit 100
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