nitsUnique Buyers on RAND daily
    Updated 2022-05-26
    -- SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, sum(amount) as total_fees,sum(total_fees) over (order by day) as cumulative_total_fees,
    -- cumulative_total_fees*0.72 as cumulative_total_fees_usd , count(DISTINCT tx_group_id) as total_sales,
    -- sum(total_sales) over (order by day) as cumulative_total_sales

    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT sender) as unique_buyers,sum(unique_buyers) over (order by day) as cumulative_unique_buyers
    from algorand.payment_transaction
    where receiver = 'RANDGVRRYGVKI3WSDG6OGTZQ7MHDLIN5RYKJBABL46K5RQVHUFV3NY5DUE' and asset_id = '0'
    -- where tx_group_id ilike 'm5Xmjvw60T+/9+xo15Oi5GjffoRHNRtBkSYDDZBeLgc='
    GROUP by 1
    -- limit 100
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