nitsUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-02-22
    -- select block_timestamp::date as day, count(distinct tx_id)

    with src_dest_time_details as
    (SELECT destination, block_timestamp, source , amount
    from solana.transfers
    --day like '%2021-12%'
    --month(block_timestamp) = '12' and year(block_timestamp) = '2021'
    --block_timestamp::date < '2022-01-01'
    block_timestamp::date >= '2022-02-01'
    and source in (
    ) and succeeded = 'TRUE' )

    SELECT DISTINCT destination from src_dest_time_details
    -- SELECT * ,
    -- inner_instruction:instructions[0]:parsed:info:destination as src,
    -- inner_instruction:instructions[1]:parsed:info:amount as amt
    -- from
    -- Where block_timestamp::date >='2022-02-01'
    -- AND Succeeded = 'True'
    -- -- AND Index = '3'
    -- AND instruction:programId = 'mv3ekLzLbnVPNxjSKvqBpU3ZeZXPQdEC3bp5MDEBG68'
    -- and inner_instruction is not NULL
    -- and src in (SELECT destination from src_dest_time_details )
    -- order by block_timestamp::date desc
    Run a query to Download Data