nitsAstroPort TVL over time
    Updated 2022-02-03
    -- select *, event_attributes:assets[0]:amount from terra.msg_events
    -- where event_index = '3' and event_attributes:"0_contract_address" = 'terra1j66jatn3k50hjtg2xemnjm8s7y8dws9xqa5y8w' AND event_attributes:"0_action" = 'provide_liquidity'
    with tvl_provided as
    (select date(block_timestamp) as day , sum(event_attributes:assets[0]:amount/pow(10,6)*2) as total_amt_provided from terra.msg_events
    where event_index = '3' and event_attributes:"0_contract_address" = 'terra1j66jatn3k50hjtg2xemnjm8s7y8dws9xqa5y8w' AND event_attributes:"0_action" = 'provide_liquidity'
    GROUP by 1 )
    select *, sum(total_amt_provided) over (order by day ) as tvl_provided_cumulative from
    (select day, total_amt_provided * avg_price as total_amt_provided_in_USd,total_amt_provided from
    (select date(block_timestamp) as day_, avg(luna_exchange_rate) as avg_price from terra.oracle_prices
    where symbol = 'UST'
    GROUP by day_ )
    inner join tvl_provided
    on day = day_ )
    ORDER by day
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