nitsTVL for top 10 liquidity pools
    Updated 2022-02-05
    with prices as (select token_address as ta, date(hour) as day, avg(price) as avg_price from ethereum.token_prices_hourly
    where day = CURRENT_DATE -1
    GROUP by 1, 2)
    select pool_address,pool_name, sum(current_amt_net) as tvl from (select *, amt_net*avg_price as current_amt_net FROM
    (select *, case when direction = 'IN' then amount_in else amount_out*(-1) end as amt_net
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where platform = 'sushiswap')
    inner join prices
    on ta = token_address )
    where current_amt_net is not NULL
    GROUP by 1,2
    ORDER by 3 desc
    limit 10
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