nitsHow many have withdrawn from all the pools?
    Updated 2022-02-22
    with txs as (SELECT *,
    CASE when direction = 'IN' then amount_in else amount_out*(-1) end as amt_net,
    CASE when direction = 'IN' then amount_usd else amount_usd*(-1) end as amt_usd_net
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where block_timestamp > '2021-01-01' and platform = 'sushiswap')

    SELECT count(distinct to_address) as withdrawn_from_atleast_one_pool_completely
    (SELECT to_address, sum(amt_net) as net_amt_today
    (SELECT * from
    (SELECT tx_id as tx,fee_Usd from ethereum.transactions )
    inner join txs
    on tx_id = tx)
    GROUP by 1)
    where net_amt_today >= '-0.01' and net_amt_today <= '0.01'
    LIMIT 100
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