nits4- Binance Bonanza Tokens which had their prices changed
    Updated 2022-11-02
    with day1 as
    (SELECT date(recorded_at) as day,symbol, avg(price) as avg_price
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    GROUP by 1 , 2
    order by 1 desc ),
    day2 as
    (SELECT date(recorded_at) as day_,symbol as s, avg(price) as avg_price2
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices
    GROUP by 1 ,2
    order by 1 desc)

    SELECT *, case when symbol = 'OSMO' then 'OSMO'
    when percent_change_price>= 10 then 'more than 10% increase'
    when percent_change_price < 10 and percent_change_price>= 0 then 'less than 10% increase'
    when percent_change_price < 0 then 'price decreased' end as type
    (SELECT *, (avg_price-avg_price2)/avg_price2*100 as percent_change_price
    from day1
    inner join day2
    on day = day_+1 and s = symbol)
    where day = '2022-10-28'
    limit 100
    Run a query to Download Data