nitsAnchor Borrows Claim
    Updated 2022-02-10
    with borrow_details as (select block_Timestamp, sender, amount, AMOUNt_usd, currency from anchor.borrows),
    staking_details as (select block_Timestamp, sender, amount, AMOUNt_usd, currency from anchor.gov_staking ),
    deposit_details as (select block_timestamp , sender, deposit_amount, deposit_AMOUNt_usd, deposit_currency from anchor.deposits)
    select date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT sender) as unique_senders , sum(claim_0_amount_usd+claim_1_amount_usd) as total_claim, sum(total_claim) over (order by day) as cumulative_claim from anchor.reward_claims
    where sender in
    (select sender from borrow_details
    where sender not in (select sender from staking_details)
    and sender not in (select sender from deposit_details))
    GROUP by 1
    order by 1
    limit 1000
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