nitsLP Providers over time
    Updated 2022-12-14
    with prices as
    SELECT date(recorded_hour) as day, id, avg(open) as avg_price
    from crosschain.core.fact_hourly_prices
    where id ilike 'polkadot' or id ilike 'osmosis'
    GROUP by 1 , 2 ),
    enter as
    (SELECT *, case when CURRENcy = 'usomo' then 'osmosis' else 'polkadot' end as id_
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions a
    where pool_id [0] = '773'
    and tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED' and (action = 'pool_joined' or action = 'pool_exited')
    -- SELECT *, amt_joined - amt_exit as net_amount , case when c = 'uosmo' then net_amount*1.5 else net_amount*5.3 end as net_val,
    -- case when c = 'uosmo' then 'Osmo' else 'DOT' end as name,
    -- case when c = 'uosmo' then amt_joined*1.5 else amt_joined*5.3 end as net_val_joined,
    -- case when c = 'uosmo' then amt_exit*1.5 else amt_exit*5.3 end as net_val_exit
    -- from
    -- (SELECT * from enter join exit_
    -- on c = currency)

    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, action, currency, count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_txs,
    COUNT(DISTINCT liquidity_provider_address) as lp_providers,
    sum(amount/pow(10,decimal) * avg_price) as amt_usd,
    case when currency = 'uosmo' then 'Osmo' else 'DOT' end as name
    from enter
    join prices on id_ =id and date(block_timestamp) = day
    GROUP by 1,2 ,3
    -- LIMIT 199
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