nitsUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-02-21
    with address_labels as (SELECT * from crosschain.address_labels
    where blockchain = 'solana' and label_type = 'cex')
    SELECT src, count(*) from
    (SELECT * ,
    inner_instruction:instructions[1]:parsed:info:source as src,
    inner_instruction:instructions[1]:parsed:info:amount as amt
    Where block_timestamp::date >='2022-02-01'
    AND Succeeded = 'True'
    -- AND Index = '3'
    AND instruction:programId = 'mv3ekLzLbnVPNxjSKvqBpU3ZeZXPQdEC3bp5MDEBG68'
    -- and contains(lower(pretokenbalances[0]), lower('6ZRCB7AAqGre6c72PRz3MHLC73VMYvJ8bi9KHf1HFpNk') )
    -- AND inner_instruction:instructions[1]:parsed:info:source IN (SELECT address from address_labels )
    and inner_instruction is not NULL )
    GROUP by 1
    order by 2 desc
    limit 100