nitsBefore War Launch
    Updated 2022-04-26
    SELECT * from
    (SELECT date(block_Timestamp) as day ,platform, pool_name, sum(amount_usd) as total_amt, row_number() over (partition by day order by total_amt desc ) as rn,

    sum(total_amt) over (partition by pool_name order by day) as cumulative_amt
    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where block_timestamp <= '2022-02-22' and block_timestamp > '2022-02-15' and (platform = 'sushiswap' or platform like '%uniswap%') and amount_usd is not NULL
    and amount_usd < pow(10,7)
    GROUP by 1 ,2,3 )
    where rn < 6
    LIMIT 100
    Run a query to Download Data