nitsTokeMak among Users of Tracer
    Updated 2022-02-26
    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT addresses ) as unique_addr, count(*) as total_txs, sum(amt_net)/pow(10,18) as net_deposits,
    sum(net_deposits) over (order by day) as cumulative_deposits
    (SELECT *, case when origin_function_name = 'withdraw' then amount*(-1) else amount end as amt_net ,
    case when origin_function_name = 'withdraw' then from_address else to_address end as addresses
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where contract_address ilike '0x15A629f0665A3Eb97D7aE9A7ce7ABF73AeB79415' and (origin_function_name = 'deposit' or origin_function_name = 'withdraw')
    and addresses in
    (SELECT origin_address from
    (SELECT * from ethereum.udm_events
    where contract_address = '0x9c4a4204b79dd291d6b6571c5be8bbcd0622f050' and symbol = 'TCR' and amount_usd is not NULL)))
    -- limit 100
    GROUP by 1
    -- limit 100

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