nitsAverage Purchase Price
    Updated 2022-06-24
    with nfd as
    (SELECT *
    from algorand.asset where
    right(asset_url,10) = '}/nfd.json'),
    txs as
    ( SELECT tx_group_id from
    (SELECT * from algorand.transactions
    WHERE asset_id in (Select asset_id from nfd) )
    SELECT avg(amt) as avg_purchase_price,
    median(amt) as med_purchase_price
    (SELECT *, tx_message:txn:amt/pow(10,6) as amt
    from algorand.transactions
    where tx_group_id in
    (SELECT * from txs )
    and tx_type= 'pay' and tx_message:txn:amt is not NULL
    and TX_MESSAgE:txn:rcv != 'EBE87MxYL4wTnQVFyJFQOames+plchQ1QZ5lARDMD+4='
    limit 100
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