nitsTotal Non-Closed Assets
    Updated 2022-01-23
    with asset_details as (select count(*) as total_assets_arc3 from
    (select * from algorand.asset
    where contains(asset_name, 'arc3') or asset_url like '%#arc3' and closed_at is NULL and asset_deleted= 'FALSE'))
    , arc69_assets as
    (select count(*) as total_assets_arc69 from algorand.asset
    where asset_id in (select asset_id from (select try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) as xyz, * from algorand.asset_configuration_transaction )
    where xyz like '{"standard":"arc69",%' and closed_at is NULL and asset_deleted= 'FALSE'))
    -- where asset_id in (SELECT asset_id from algorand.asset_transfer_transaction
    -- where tx_group_id = 'lLa5DLImBy1PrQEWvcHR9HRZnpS/QPVQFvQPTaMvt74=')
    select TOTAL_ASSETS_ARC3+TOTAL_ASSETS_ARC69 AS TOTAL_ASSETS,TOTAL_ASSETS_ARC3/TOTAL_ASSETS*100 as percent_arc3, TOTAL_ASSETS_ARC69/TOTAL_ASSETS*100 as percent_arc69 from asset_details,arc69_assets
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