nitsAlgorand Governance Period 1 Breakdown By Committed Amount
    Updated 2022-01-11
    WITH exi as(SELECT distinct address as users_
    from algorand.account
    where account_closed='FALSE'),
    gov1 as (select *
    from algorand.payment_transaction
    , all_votes as
    (select *, case when contains(vote, 'a') then 'a' else 'b' end as voted_at
    (select * ,substring(TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message:txn:note),10 ) as vote from gov1
    where not contains(vote, 'com') and vote is not NULL)
    where contains(vote, '3'))
    (select sender, committed_amount, voted_at from
    (select sender as s, committed_amount from
    (select *,substring(vote,8) as xyz,substring(xyz,1,len(xyz)-1) as committed_amount
    (select * ,substring(TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message:txn:note),10 ) as vote from gov1
    where contains(vote, 'com'))))
    inner join all_votes
    on sender =s )

    -- group by sender
    Run a query to Download Data