nitsUntitled Query
    -- SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT tx_hash) as total_txs,
    -- sum(total_txs) over (order by day) as cum_txs,
    -- sum(price*value) as total_amt_usd,
    -- sum(total_amt_usd) over (order by day) as cum_amt_usd
    -- from
    (SELECT *, CONCAT('0x', SUBSTR(input_data:: STRING, 27, 42)) AS provider,
    regexp_substr_all(SUBSTR(input_DATA, 11, len(input_DATA)), '.{64}') AS segmented_data,
    concat('0x',replace(segmented_data [0] :: STRING,'000000000000000000000000','')) AS tokenID,
    segmented_data [1] :: STRING
    )/pow(10,18) AS VALUE,
    segmented_data [2] :: STRING
    ) AS chain_id from ethereum.core.fact_transactions where to_address= '0x3ee18b2214aff97000d974cf647e7c347e8fa585' and chain_id = '1'
    and tx_hash = '0x0af959f7ddc254a8dd84a615b681300bad289e3d72562cd3b8474072403efefb'
    -- left join ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    -- on tokenid = token_address and date_trunc(hour, block_timestamp) = hour
    -- GROUP by 1
    LIMIT 100
    Run a query to Download Data