Updated 2022-12-21
    --credit to Ali3N
    with PriceT1 as (
    select recorded_at::date as Day1,
    avg (price) as OSMOPrice
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices t1 left join osmosis.core.dim_labels t2 on t1.symbol = t2.project_name
    where symbol = 'OSMO'
    group by 1 ),
    PriceT2 as (
    select date_trunc (week,block_timestamp) as date,
    case when to_currency != 'uosmo' then to_currency
    else from_currency end as token_address,
    median (case when to_currency != 'uosmo' then ((from_amount/power(10,from_decimal)) * OSMOPrice)/(to_amount/power(10,to_decimal))
    else ((to_amount/power(10,to_decimal)) * OSMOPrice)/(from_amount/power(10,from_decimal)) end) as USDPrice
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps t1 left join osmosis.core.dim_labels t2 on t1.to_currency = t2.address or t1.from_currency = t2.address
    left join PriceT1 on block_timestamp::date = Day1
    where project_name = 'OSMO'
    group by 1,2),

    PriceT3 as (
    select date,
    project_name as Asset_Name,
    from PriceT2 t1 left join osmosis.core.dim_labels t2 on t1.token_address = t2.address),
    Table1 as (
    select block_timestamp,
    sum (case when address is not NULL then USDPrice * (amount/power(10,decimal)) end) as Volume,
    sum (case when address is not NULL then USDPrice * (amount/power(10,decimal)) end) / sum (case when address is NULL then (amount/power(10,decimal)) end) as Pool_Price_USD
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions t1 left join osmosis.core.dim_labels t2 on t1.currency = t2.address
    left join PriceT3 t3 on t2.project_name = t3.Asset_Name and t1.block_timestamp::Date = t3.date
    group by 1,2,3),
    Table2 as (
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