nsa2000daily variation of the Swap Volume to OSMO (Oct) and the 60-day average
    Updated 2022-11-03
    with tx_Oct28 as (
    date_trunc('day', BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date,
    SUM(TO_AMOUNT/1e6) as "Vol to Osmo(OSMO)",
    avg("Vol to Osmo(OSMO)") over (ORDER BY date ROWS BETWEEN 60 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as ma_60_osmo_amount_swapped
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where to_currency = 'uosmo'
    group by 1
    FROM tx_Oct28
    where date BETWEEN '2022-10-24' and '2022-10-31'
    Run a query to Download Data