nsa2000Effect of merge on transactions fee
    Updated 2022-09-29
    , case
    when date < '2022-09-15' then 'Before'
    when date > '2022-09-15' then 'After'
    else 'The Merge'
    end period
    , gas_used
    , gas_price
    , tx_fee
    , gas_used / tx_count gas_used_per_tx
    , gas_price / tx_count gas_price_per_tx
    , tx_fee / tx_count tx_fee_per_tx
    from (
    BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date date
    , sum(gas_used) gas_used
    , sum(gas_price) gas_price
    , sum(tx_fee) tx_fee
    , count(tx_hash) tx_count
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    where 1=1
    and status = 'SUCCESS'
    group by 1
    where 1=1
    and date between '2022-09-01' and '2022-09-30'
    Run a query to Download Data