nsa2000osmo pool1
    Updated 2023-02-18
    with pricet as (
    select recorded_at::date as day,
    avg (price) as USDPrice
    from osmosis.core.dim_prices t1 join osmosis.core.dim_labels t2 on t1.symbol = t2.project_name
    where symbol != 'IOV'
    and day >='2023-01-01'
    group by 1,2,3),

    SingleSideT as (
    select tx_id,
    count (tx_id) as TXS_Count
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where action = 'pool_joined'
    group by 1
    having TXS_Count < 2),

    BothAssetsT as (
    select tx_id,
    count (tx_id) as TXS_Count
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where action = 'pool_joined'
    group by 1
    having TXS_Count > 1)
    select 'Carefully Wade In (Single Side)' as join_type,
    date_trunc (day,block_timestamp) as date,
    count (distinct tx_id) as TX_Count,
    count (distinct liquidity_provider_address) as Users_Count,
    sum (case when currency = 'ibc/64BA6E31FE887D66C6F8F31C7B1A80C7CA179239677B4088BB55F5EA07DBE273' then amount/pow(10,18) else amount/pow(10,decimal) end ) as Total_Token_Volume,
    avg (case when currency = 'ibc/64BA6E31FE887D66C6F8F31C7B1A80C7CA179239677B4088BB55F5EA07DBE273' then amount/pow(10,18) else amount/pow(10,decimal)end) as Average_Token_Volume,
    sum (case when currency = 'ibc/64BA6E31FE887D66C6F8F31C7B1A80C7CA179239677B4088BB55F5EA07DBE273' then amount*usdprice/pow(10,18) else amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal)end) as Total_USD_Volume,
    avg (case when currency = 'ibc/64BA6E31FE887D66C6F8F31C7B1A80C7CA179239677B4088BB55F5EA07DBE273' then amount*usdprice/pow(10,18) else amount*usdprice/pow(10,decimal)end)as Average_USD_Volume,
    sum (tx_count) over (order by date) as Cumulative_TX_Count,
    sum (total_usd_volume) over (order by date) as Cumulative_Volume
    Run a query to Download Data