with active_user as (
date_trunc('week', block_timestamp)::date as date,
tx_from as active_users,
count(distinct block_timestamp::date) as dt_cnt
from osmosis.core.fact_transactions
where tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
group by 1, 2
having dt_cnt >= 4
, top50 as (
count(distinct tx_id) as tx_cnt
FROM osmosis.core.fact_transfers
where tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
and transfer_type = 'IBC_TRANSFER_OUT'
and sender in (select active_users from active_user)
GROUP by 1
order by 2 DESC
limit 50
concat(LEFT(sender, 8),'...',RIGHT(sender, 4)) as users,
count(distinct tx_id) as tx_cnt,
sum(AMOUNT/pow(10, DECIMAL)) as volume,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION by users order by tx_cnt DESC) as rank
from osmosis.core.fact_transfers a LEFT join osmosis.core.dim_labels b on a.currency = b.address
where tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
and transfer_type = 'IBC_TRANSFER_OUT'
and sender in (select sender from top50)
group by 1,2
qualify rank <= 10