with flow as (select
    date_trunc('month',block_timestamp::date) as "Date" ,count(distinct tx_id) as "Number of monthly Transactions",
    ("Number of monthly Transactions"/43200) as "Flow - TPM"
    from flow.core.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and TX_SUCCEEDED = true
    group by 1
    order by 1
    solana as (select date_trunc('month',block_timestamp::date) as "Date", count(distinct tx_id) as "Number of monthly Transactions",
    ("Number of monthly Transactions"/43200) as "Solana - TPM"
    from solana.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp >='2022-01-01'
    and SUCCEEDED = true
    group by 1
    order by 1
    algorand as (
    select date_trunc('month',block_timestamp::date) as "Date", count(distinct tx_id) as "Number of monthly Transactions",
    ("Number of monthly Transactions"/43200) as "Algorand - TPM"
    from algorand.transactions
    where block_timestamp >='2022-01-01'
    group by 1
    order by 1

    select flow."Date", flow."Flow - TPM", solana."Solana - TPM", algorand."Algorand - TPM"
    from flow
    join solana ON solana."Date"=flow."Date"
    join algorand ON algorand."Date"=flow."Date"
    order by 1
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