Wallet Balances & Ecosystem Growth


    With the launch of Flipside's new Balances table, let's take a look at how the story of Osmosis can be told through wallet balances. Provide insights into following metrics: How has the ratio of liquid to staked OSMO changed overtime? Are the top 100 OSMO holders the same now as they were at the start of the year? What is the current average OSMO per wallet? How has that value changed over time? Plot average OSMO/wallet against user growth. Do wallets normally hold a majority of OSMO, or another token? How has this changed over time?


    What is Osmo?

    Osmosis is a DEX protocol, which means it uses smart contracts to determine the price of digital assets, to produce liquidity via a peer-to-peer (P2P) methodology, and to exact trades between users. This approach to an exchange platform is known as an AMM — a DEX protocol that prices crypto assets in liquidity pools.

    To Sum Up

    • Average Balance of Osmo Holders has Experienced declining trend and reached from 15 Oct with about 894 to 872 on 23 Oct while Number of Osmo Holders or Osmo Addresses has experienced upward trend, and reached to 406K on 23 Oct from 404K on 15 Oct. it seems Users of Osmo Network increased but assets of this users decreased.

    • Osmo Holders has about 900 as Average Balance in their wallets.

    • Osmo Network has about 410K users (holders).

    • (osmo1fl48vsnmsdzcv85q5d2q4z5ajdha8yu3aq6l09) has the highest average Balance with about 218M among top 100 Holders and after it

      osmo1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd80yhvld this user had second place with about 59M.

    • Osmo Holders holds the highest of their assets as Liquid in their wallets with about 1K and 61% ratio of average balances of them and about 375K users done this about 62.5% of all users after liquid, stacked action has second place with about 640 and about 38% ratio of average balance and about 224K users done this and has about 37.5% ratio. locked liquidity has had lowest ratio and amount among these types of balances and has lower than 0.5% ratio and about 30 users done this.

    • (osmo1fl48vsnmsdzcv85q5d2q4z5ajdha8yu3aq6l09) has the highest amount of Average balance since start of year with about 143M and (osmo1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd80yhvld) has second place with about 52M.

    • Shib Token has the highest amount of average balance since start of year and has about 94% and after it CUDUS has second place with about 2.5%.

    • ECH and EVMOS have the greatest number of Holders with about 90K since start of year and have about 43% & 42% ratio of number of holders.

    • OSMO has the highest number of Holders with about 407K and about 30% ratio of number of Holders and after it ATOM has second place with about 173K number of holders and about 13% ration of all holders.

    • Until Sep 2021 average balance of Osmo holders had experienced steady increased but after it the trends of Average balance transforms to downward trend while number of users of Osmo has experienced steady growth from beginning.