Welcome To Axelar Scavenger Hunt (December 2) (clone)
Explore Satellite
Satellite is Axelar’s native bridge, allowing you to transfer tokens across many different ecosystems. Currently, you can use Satellite to connect to and from some of the most popular blockchains in crypto (Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance, CosmosHub, Osmosis, Moonbeam, Polygon, and more!).
For today’s exercise, we are going to transfer at least 10 USDC directly onto Axelar via Satellite using the following steps:
Transfer USDC via Satellite
- Go to the Satellite website and connect your wallets from both your initial and destination chains
- Ex. if transferring from Ethereum to Osmosis you will connect your MetaMask and Keplr wallets
- In ‘From’ select your base chain
- Note: we will be transferring USDC over the Satellite bridge, so please ensure you already have USDC available
- Under ‘To’ select Osmosis and ensure that you have connected your new Keplr wallet to the website
- Under ‘I want to transfer’ select USDC and input your amount (10 USDC)
- Using the Keplr autofill button, generate your destination address
- Select ‘Generate Deposit Address’
- Process the transaction
Congrats! You have successfully used Satellite to enter the world of IBC! Now that your USDC is on Osmosis, let’s use the Osmosis-native DEX to buy some AXL!
- Go to the Osmosis DEX and toggle to the ‘Swap’ section
- In the “From” asset select USDC and the “To” asset select AXL
- Swap 9 USDC for AXL
- Swap 1 USDC for OSMO
Transfer to Axelar
Let’s move your new AXL over to the Axelar app-chain, which we can do this within the Osmosis ‘Assets’ page!
- Toggle to Osmosis’ Assets page
- Find your new AXL balance and select ‘Withdraw’
- In the window that appears, select the full AXL amount under “Available on Osmosis”
- Deposit to Axelar