Sushi's contribution to Polygon growth

    In this dashboard we are gonna explore the contreibution of Sushiswap in the growth of Polygon network.

    The preliminar analysis was based on the last 30 days of data. However, the reader can select their ramge of data to be evaluated.


    During the last 30 days Sushiswap has contibuted in around 50 new users on the meteork.


    Taking a look at the cumulative growth, it can be seen how more than 1k users joined Polygon to use Sushiswap.

    Taking into account that these are monthly numbers, it is a good number of new users joining the network thanks to Sushiswap. Maybe, some helpul and more clear analysis should be done comparing the total Polygon new users and the users who joined thanks to Sushiswap platform.