piperJupiter Governance - Votes in numbers
    Updated 2024-11-17
    -- forked from Jupiter Governance - Votes @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/studio/queries/dfed74a9-d2d0-41f3-814b-09bbccc3c1a2
    -- forked from kellen / Jupiter LFG Token Launchpad Results @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/kellen/q/vdO1szn5p_tq/jupiter-lfg-token-launchpad-results

    with t0 as (
    select decoded_instruction:args:side::string as side
    , decoded_instruction:args:weight::int * power(10, -6) as weight
    , signers[0]::string as voter
    , value:pubkey::string AS proposal
    , value:name::string AS name
    , block_timestamp
    from solana.core.fact_decoded_instructions i
    , LATERAL FLATTEN(input => decoded_instruction:accounts)
    where block_timestamp >= '2024-03-06'
    and i.program_id in (
    and name = 'proposal'
    and proposal = 'PJVgLKqBa5LabApp9uU5rvxUgqp4RdUfBxVbEddLxWa'
    and side is not null
    and weight is not null
    and event_type = 'setVote'
    row_number() over (partition by voter order by block_timestamp desc) = 1
    round(sum(weight)) as votes,
    count(1) as n_voters
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived