potmoFeb 7 5:08-5:35
    Updated 2025-02-24
    with time_series as (
    select '{{aggregation_period}}' as aggregation_period,
    date_trunc('{{aggregation_period}}', block_timestamp) as time_unit,
    when block_number between 1 and 3218635 then 'Before Gas Limit Halving: 300M gas limit'
    when block_number between 3218636 and 3982324 then 'After Limit Halving and Testnet Launch'
    when block_number > 3982324 then 'After launch'
    end as interval_name,
    -- when aggregation_period = 'second' then sum(tx_count) / (60 * 60 * 60 * 60)
    when aggregation_period = 'minute' then sum(tx_count) / (60 )
    when aggregation_period = 'hour' then sum(tx_count) / (60*60)
    when aggregation_period = 'day' then sum(tx_count) / (24*60*60)
    when aggregation_period = 'week' then sum(tx_count) / (7*24*60*60)
    -- when aggregation_period = 'month' then sum(tx_count) / (30*7*24*60*60)
    end as transactions_per_second,
    avg(gas_used / nullif(gas_limit,0)) as block_utilization_rate,
    sum(gas_limit) as total_gas_limit,
    sum(tx_count) as tx_count,
    sum (gas_used * 50) as total_tx_fees,
    sum(gas_used) as total_gas_used,
    avg(tx_count) as avg_txs,
    avg(gas_used*50) as avg_tx_fee,
    avg(gas_used) as avg_gas_used,
    avg(block_number) as avg_blocks
    from monad.testnet.fact_blocks
    where block_number <> 0
    and block_timestamp between '2025-02-07 17:08:00.000' and '2025-02-07 17:38:00.000'
    --and block_timestamp between '2025-02-07 16:10:00.000' and '2025-02-07 16:47:00.000'
    -- and block_timestamp between '2025-02-07 15:59:00.000' and '2025-02-07 18:00:00.000'
    -- and block_timestamp between '2025-01-24 16:00' and '2025-01-24 17:59'
    -- and block_timestamp between '2025-01-24 15:59:00.000' and '2025-01-24 17:20:00.000'
    group by 1,2,3
    final as (
    select time_unit as {{aggregation_period}},