pqxl9jljbr8My Marinade Staking in Context
    Updated 2022-05-03
    date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as block_day,
    date_trunc('hour',block_timestamp) as block_hour,
    case when tx_id = '2N93XkrHtKZ7V5huTycNS7MEGo5veMt8QGiGAvr37bQTyxyXRvSo6MobVrUPLscSXYbGpRqn595yb5EzvFWHoL1H' then 'me'
    else 'everyone else' end as staker,
    count(*) as stake_count
    from solana.events
    where date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) = '2022-02-19 00:00:00.000'
    and instruction:programId = 'MarBmsSgKXdrN1egZf5sqe1TMai9K1rChYNDJgjq7aD'
    and inner_instruction:instructions[0]:parsed:info:source = '7GgPYjS5Dza89wV6FpZ23kUJRG5vbQ1GM25ezspYFSoE'
    and succeeded = TRUE
    group by block_day, block_hour, staker;
    -- limit 10 <-- notice we commented this out so we get all the results we want
    Run a query to Download Data