Labeled and decoded data for 20+ chains.

    Choose where and how you access. Unlimited data and dashboards are always free. Upgrade when you’re ready to build commercial products on blockchain data.

    100% of revenue from the Builder and Pro plans is given back to the crypto community as token rewards for creating insightful dashboards and participating in Flipside Earn programs.



    Query freely.


    For analysts to create unlimited queries and dashboards with unrestricted access to 20+ chains and 60+ 3rd-party APIs.

    Unlimited query seconds in Studio. 500 API query seconds.

    What's included:

    Data Access

    • Labeled and decoded data for 20+ chains

    • Unlimited queries and dashboards

    • Unlimited LiveQuery access to combine external datasets

    • Unlimited CSV downloads

    Programmatic Access

    • 500 API query seconds per month

    • Automatically refresh queries in 12 hr intervals

    • JSON endpoint on one query at a time


    • Join or create unlimited teams

    • Add unlimited users to your team


    Power external applications.



    For protocols and developers who build consumer applications to schedule, cache, and call fast query results.

    Unlimited query seconds in Studio. 10,000 premium query seconds in a faster Builder warehouse for Studio and API.

    Everything in Free, plus:

    Private Data Access

    • Private queries & dashboards

    • Private team collaboration & sharing

    • Query log history

    Advanced Data Downloads

    • API access via R, Python, and JS SDKs

    • Automatically refresh queries in 1 hr intervals

    • JSON endpoints on all queries

    • Unlimited data caching at a URL

    Speed & Performance

    • Higher computing power for faster queries and performance


    Export all the data you need.



    For businesses that want reliable speed and programmatic access to data in your own dedicated warehouse.

    Unlimited query seconds in Studio. 60,000 premium query seconds in a speedy, reliable Pro warehouse for Snowflake, Studio, and API.

    Everything in Builder, plus:

    Dedicated Warehouse

    • Your own large, dedicated Snowflake warehouse for high computing power

    Data Exports & Tools

    • Export blockchain data into AWS, GCP, GovCloud, and more

    • Import your own external data to run analyses in one place

    • Connect to 3rd-party BI Tools (Tableau, PowerBI, Mode, Metabase, and more), data science tools (Streamlit, RStudio, Jupyter, etc.), and data eng tools (DBT, Spark, etc.)

    Data Storage

    • 1TB of data storage and tables for faster data retrieval

    Working on a project for the community? You can also get free Builder or Pro.

    Apply here

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Pro Plan