princefarzamWhich wallets have locked the most in the last 4 weeks?
    Updated 2022-07-17
    WITH Locked_txns AS (
    CONCAT('0x', SUBSTR( topics[1]::STRING , 27, 42)) AS provider,
    ethereum.public.udf_hex_to_int( topics[2]::STRING ):: DATE AS locked_date, --Locked till this time
    regexp_substr_all( SUBSTR(DATA, 3, len(DATA)), '.{64}' ) AS segmented_data, --for segmenting Data
    ethereum.public.udf_hex_to_int( segmented_data[0] :: STRING ) AS tokenID, --TokenID
    ethereum.public.udf_hex_to_int( segmented_data[1] :: STRING )/pow(10,18) AS VALUE, --Value($VELO)
    ethereum.public.udf_hex_to_int( segmented_data[2] :: STRING ) AS deposit_type, --Deposit type
    ethereum.public.udf_hex_to_int( segmented_data[3] :: STRING )::DATE AS TIMESTAMP, --Time of locking $VELO
    DATEDIFF(day, TIMESTAMP, locked_date) AS Duration,
    FROM optimism.core.fact_event_logs
    WHERE topics [0] :: STRING = '0xff04ccafc360e16b67d682d17bd9503c4c6b9a131f6be6325762dc9ffc7de624'

    provider::string as Depositors,
    Sum(VALUE) AS Locked_amount

    FROM Locked_txns
    WHERE TIMESTAMP>= CURRENT_DATE - 28 --in the last four weeks
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY Locked_amount DESC
    LIMIT 10
    Run a query to Download Data