rain_syndicaCEX Users Collections Bought October
    Updated 2023-12-14
    -- forked from CEX Users Collections Bought November @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/361244b8-b026-4e3f-ba42-e02d0b326148


    cex_users as (
    t.tx_to::string AS user,
    min(t.block_timestamp::datetime) AS bridge_date
    from solana.core.fact_transfers t
    inner join crosschain.core.dim_labels l on t.tx_from = l.address
    -- left join solana.core.dim_tokens d on t.mint = d.token_address
    -- left join solana.price.fact_token_prices_hourly b
    -- on d.coin_market_cap_id = b.id
    -- and date_trunc('hour', t.block_timestamp) = b.recorded_hour
    where l.blockchain = 'solana'
    and l.label_type = 'cex'
    and t.amount > 0
    and t.block_timestamp >= '2023-10-01'
    and t.block_timestamp < '2023-11-01'
    group by 1

    base_sol_to as (
    select distinct tx_id, index
    from solana.core.fact_events
    where block_timestamp >= '2023-10-01' and block_timestamp < '2023-11-01'
    and program_id = 'dst5MGcFPoBeREFAA5E3tU5ij8m5uVYwkzkSAbsLbNo'
    and signers[0] = '7FfB2zQRYUQwpPzkRxAeg2mCBGeCRKp4PCEeULJA9xTo'

    to_solana as (
    select block_timestamp::date as date,
    tx_to as user_address,
    from solana.core.fact_transfers t
    join base_sol_to b on (t.tx_id = b.tx_id)
    Run a query to Download Data