rajsXen Terms Event Logs
    Updated 2022-10-26
    with term as
    -- *,
    -- substr(data,3,64),
    -- origin_from_address,
    tokenflow_eth.hextoint(substr(data,3,64)) as term,
    tokenflow_eth.hextoint(right(data,32)) as rank
    from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where origin_to_address = '0x06450dee7fd2fb8e39061434babcfc05599a6fb8'
    and origin_function_signature = '0x9ff054df'
    and topics[0] = '0xe9149e1b5059238baed02fa659dbf4bd932fbcf760a431330df4d934bc942f37'
    -- and tx_hash = '0xfa417f39f90dbb4ad5816216644f42f12c43561d16ac72e5fd7c99a45b9cc84d'
    -- limit 3

    periods as
    case when term = 1 then '1. 1 day'
    when term > 1 and term <= 30 then '2. 2-30 days'
    when term > 30 and term <= 60 then '3. 31-60 days'
    when term > 60 and term <= 90 then '4. 61-90 days'
    when term > 90 and term <= 120 then '5. 91-120 days'
    when term > 120 and term <= 150 then '6. 121-150 days'
    when term > 150 and term <= 180 then '7. 151-180 days'
    when term > 180 and term <= 210 then '8. 181-210 days'
    when term > 210 and term <= 240 then '9. 211-240 days'
    when term > 240 and term <= 270 then '10. 241-2700 days'
    when term > 270 and term <= 300 then '11. 271-300 days'
    when term > 300 and term <= 330 then '12. 301-330 days'
    when term > 330 and term <= 360 then '13. 331-360 days'
    when term > 360 and term <= 390 then '14. 361-390 days'