ramishoowNew NEAR Users
    Updated 2022-09-07
    with new_users as (select first_time_date as dt, new_user from (select min(block_timestamp) as first_time_date, tx_signer as new_user from near.core.fact_transactions
    where tx_status = 'Success' group by new_user) having dt >= current_date - 90), new_user_with_action as (select q.block_timestamp, q.tx_hash, tx_signer, action_name, method_name
    from near.core.fact_transactions q join near.core.fact_actions_events_function_call w on q.tx_hash = w.tx_hash where tx_signer in (select new_user from new_users)) select method_name as naame, count(distinct tx_hash) as num___interacts
    from new_user_with_action where block_timestamp::date >= current_date - 90 group by 1 order by num___interacts desc limit 5
    --Top practices for new users
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