Polygon Block Performance

    what is block?

    A block is a place in a blockchain where information is stored and encrypted. Blocks are identified by long numbers that include encrypted transaction information from previous blocks and new transaction information. Blocks and the information within them must be verified by a network before new blocks can be created.


    As you can see, in the first place, the average of each block per second is Solana, and in the second and third place, respectively, are two networks of the layer2 , Optimism and Arbitrum, and in this comparison, Flow is in the fourth place, polygon is in the fifth place, and Ethereum is the last.

    In the tables on the left, you can see the largest block with the volume of 1332 transactions and the smallest block with the volume of one transaction.

    The average transaction for each block is 75.8 transactions, which is a good number.


    As you can see, Ethereum ranks first, Polygon ranks second, Arbitrum ranks third, and Optimism Network ranks fourth.


    As you can see, the lowest average transaction per block was recorded on July 10 with a number of 54.4 and the highest average was recorded on June 13 with a number of 96.48.

    As you can see, the lowest average time of each block was recorded on July 27 with a number of 2.14 and the highest average was recorded on July 25 with a number of 2.4877.