rezarwzHow many of the top 100 wallets had a balance at the beginning of the year?(staked balance)
    Updated 2022-10-26
    with start_of_the_year as(
    BALANCE/pow(10,decimal) as balance_start_of_year,
    RANK() OVER(ORDER BY BALANCE desc) as rank_start_of_year
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    where CURRENCY='uosmo' and BALANCE_TYPE='staked' and date='2022-01-01'),
    right_now as(
    BALANCE/pow(10,decimal) as balance_right_now,
    RANK() OVER(ORDER BY BALANCE desc) as rank_right_now
    FROM osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    where CURRENCY='uosmo' and BALANCE_TYPE='staked' and date=CURRENT_DATE),
    main as(
    SELECT r.address,rank_right_now,balance_right_now,rank_start_of_year,balance_start_of_year
    FROM right_now r full join start_of_the_year s on r.address=s.address
    WHERE rank_right_now<=100
    order by rank_right_now asc)
    WHEN balance_start_of_year is not null then 'At the beginning of the year, They had a balance.'
    WHEN rank_start_of_year is null then 'At the beginning of the year, They did not have a balance.'
    end as Condition,
    count(condition) as number
    from main
    GROUP BY 1
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