19. [Easy] Whale Activity

    When looking at the swaps and transfers that have happened with native Rune, there are 743 total address that currently have over 10,000 native Rune. Instead of only looking at the transfers, I also looked into the swaps that happened. I took the total Rune per address that was added in transfers and added the total rune that was swapped for. I then subtracted the rune that was sold during a swap and any transfers away from these addresses. This ended with a total of 743 different addresses that currently hold a total of at least 10,000 THOR.RUNE. Of those 743 addresses, there are 208 distinct addresses that are currently providing liquidity with each address contributing on average to 2.3 pools. From these 208 addresses, there are a total of 479 current LP contributions. When looking at which pools are most targeted by the whales, the top pool is ETH.THOR with 92 whales contributing liquidity. This is one of the most recent pools created and has had a high APY% since the recent $THOR IDO. The next two largest are the Ethereum and Bitcoin pools with 60 whales providing liquidity for each pool.