25 - Same-Chain Swaps

    59.5% of all swaps that have happened on THORChain have been on the same blockchain. Most swaps have two different transactions - one transaction for the asset being traded in and one transaction for the asset that is to be received. The time where there is only one transaction is when THOR.RUNE is one of the assets being traded for. When looking at the thorchain.swaps table, any swap that only has one transaction should be considered a cross-chain swap. This is because an address is trading THOR.RUNE for another asset, or trading an asset for THOR.RUNE. If the thorchain.swaps table has more than one transaction for a swap (the tx_id is listed more than once), then it can be considered a swap for two non-THOR.RUNE assets. When comparing the blockchain of each record in the transaction, there were 365,301 different swaps that had only one blockchain so these are considered same-chain swaps. Since there are 248,260 cross-chain swaps, this means that 59.5% of all swaps happen on the same chain and 40.5% of the swaps are cross-chain.