roketETH 3
    Updated 2022-09-25
    with cex_address as (select address , project_name, blockchain
    from flipside_prod_db.crosschain.address_labels
    where label_type = 'cex' and label_subtype = 'hot_wallet'
    and blockchain in ('ethereum')
    ethereum as ( select date(block_timestamp) as date, tx_hash, project_name , to_address as user, symbol, amount_usd
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers a join cex_address b on a.from_address = b.address
    where blockchain = 'ethereum' and block_timestamp::date between '2022-09-01' and '2022-09-30' and to_address not in ( select address from cex_address)

    select 'Ethereum' as chain ,
    when date < '2022-09-15' then 'before-merge'
    when date >= '2022-09-15' then 'after-merge'
    end as "type",
    count(DISTINCT(tx_hash)) as transfer,
    count(DISTINCT(user)) as users,
    sum(amount_usd) as volume,
    sum(transfer) over (order by date asc) as cum_tx,
    sum(volume) over (order by date asc) as cum_volume
    from ethereum
    group by 1,2

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