rw2023KI token price
    Updated 2023-04-19
    -- forked from GENE token price @

    -- forked from m-zamani-WmWD3E / mngo1 @

    RECORDED_HOUR::date as day,
    avg(CLOSE) as token_price,
    lag(token_price) ignore nulls over(ORDER BY day ASC) as lag_price,
    ((token_price-lag_price)/token_price)*100 as deviation_price,
    avg(token_price) OVER (ORDER BY day ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as MA_7_Days_volume,
    avg(token_price) OVER (ORDER BY day ROWS BETWEEN 15 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as MA_15_Days_volume
    from solana.core.ez_token_prices_hourly
    where day>= '2022-09-01'
    and symbol in ('ki')
    group by 1
    ORDER by day DESC

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