s-kTerra Daily Bot Success and Fail Count
    Updated 2022-05-03
    -- Compare the success rate of transactions executed by bots in the past 60 days
    -- with average users' transactions in the same time period. Is there any difference and any trends identifiable?
    with bot_address as (
    select distinct address as address from(
    select date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
    tx_from[0] as address,
    count(tx_id) as tx_count
    from terra.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > dateadd(day, -61, current_date()) and block_timestamp::date <= dateadd(day, -1, current_date())
    group by date, address
    having tx_count > 100
    ), normal_address as (
    select distinct address as address from(
    select date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
    tx_from[0] as address,
    count(tx_id) as tx_count
    from terra.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > dateadd(day, -61, current_date()) and block_timestamp::date <= dateadd(day, -1, current_date())
    group by date, address
    having tx_count <= 100

    select date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
    count(tx_id) as tx_count,
    case when tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED' then 'Success'
    else 'Fail' end as type
    -- count_if(tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED') as succeeded,
    -- count_if(tx_status != 'SUCCEEDED') as failed
    from terra.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > dateadd(day, -61, current_date()) and block_timestamp::date <= dateadd(day, -1, current_date())
    and (tx_from[0] in (select address from bot_address))
    group by date, type
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