s-kDaily Users vs. Bots Transactions
    Updated 2022-05-03
    with bots as (
    date_trunc('minute', block_timestamp) as min,
    trader as bot_addr,
    count(*) as txs
    from terra.swaps
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 60
    group by 1, 2
    having txs >= 20
    block_timestamp::date as date,
    count(case when msg_value:trader not in (select distinct bot_addr from bots) then 1 else null end) as users,
    count(case when msg_value:trader in (select distinct bot_addr from bots) then 1 else null end) as bots
    from terra.msgs
    where block_timestamp::date > current_date - 60
    group by 1

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