sagharkariDistribution of Flow Delegators By Their Number of Actions
    Updated 2023-05-11
    with maintable as (
    select delegator,
    case when action in ('DelegatorTokensCommitted','TokensCommitted') then 'Stake'
    when action in ('DelegatorUnstakedTokensWithdrawn','UnstakedTokensWithdrawn') then 'Unstake'
    when action in ('DelegatorRewardTokensWithdrawn','RewardTokensWithdrawn') then 'Claim Reward' end as action_type,
    count (distinct tx_id) as TX_Count,
    count (distinct delegator) as Users_Count,
    sum (amount) as Total_Volume,
    avg (amount) as Average_Volume,
    median (amount) as Median_Volume,
    min (amount) as Min_Volume,
    max (amount) as Max_Volume
    from flow.core.ez_staking_actions
    where tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    group by 1,2)

    select action_type,
    case when TX_Count = 1 then '1 Transaction'
    when TX_Count > 1 and TX_Count <= 5 then '2 - 5 Transactions'
    when TX_Count > 5 and TX_Count <= 10 then '6 - 10 Transactions'
    else 'More Than 10 Transactions' end as type,
    count (distinct delegator) as Users_Count
    from maintable
    group by 1,2
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