Which one is more popular? solanart vs Coralcube
Both are popular, but we want to check which one is more popular
What is solana?
Solana is a blockchain platform designed to host decentralized, scalable applications.
Solana can process many more transactions per second and charges lower transaction fees than rival blockchains like Ethereum.
Solana is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain but improves on it with a mechanism called proof-of-history (PoH), which uses hashed timestamps to verify when transactions occur

What is NFT?
NFT means non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are generally created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies. In simple terms these cryptographic assets are based on blockchain technology. They cannot be exchanged or traded equivalently like other cryptographic assets.

Coral cube
Hyperspace (hyperspace. xyz) is the most powerful NFT platform yet built on top of Solana. Think of us like the kayak for NFTs (or 1inch for the crypto-native folks lol). With our custom-built tech, we allow users to discover, collect and sell NFTs across all Solana marketplaces from one unified UI
On the Solana blockchain, Solanart is an open marketplace for NFTs. Simply said, it's a marketplace where artists can freely list their collections, and anyone may purchase or sell NFTs made in Solana. Opensea, which runs on the same open marketplace model as Solanart, is the most direct comparison
What do we do?
We use solana.fact_swaps and solana.core.fact_nft_sales tables for this dashboard
We can use this quary to get the price of Solana based on dollars, but we usually used the same Sol.
SOLPricet as (
select block_timestamp::date as day,
avg (swap_to_amount/swap_from_amount) as SOLprice
from solana.fact_swaps
First, we will see 5 of the best NFT collections of both markets together and then Then we will compare these two NFT markets place.
We counted the date in this dashboard from April 15
Top 5 collection on solanart by volume
- Degan Apes with 2158948 sol in first place
- Aurory with 1195692 sol in second place
- Solpanks with 321546 sol in third place
Top 5 collection on solanart by transaction
- Bold Badgers with 18586 transaction in first place
- Degan Apes with 18344 transaction in second place
- SolSnatchers with 17239 transaction in third place
We started examining the graph almost from the place where Corel cube was launched, so in the first days of the graph, the number of buyers of Solanart is more, but after a short time, Coral cube takes the place of Solanart and still has more buyers. In fact, a large part of The buyer is from Coralcube since the date Corelcube was launched
86% of the sellers are from Corelcube and a smaller number of about 14% are from solanart
We have a courier transaction belonging to Coralcube on august 9. The number of transactions will continue to increase in coral cube
480744 total number of mint in coral cube and 48808 total number of mint in solanart Almost 90% is related to Coral cube.
It is very interesting that in this graph, we can see that the volume of Sol is almost equal, although we can see that they differ by about 5%.

Top 5 collection on Corel Cube by volume
- Trippin ape with 50556 sol in first place
- Great Goats with 21676 sol in first place
Mad Scientists with 20176 in third place
Top 5 collection on Corel Cube by transaction
- Great Goats with 3019 transaction in first place
- King of Da street with 2567 transaction in second place
- Contra Paradise with 1749 transaction in third place
What we have seen is that Solanart is much older than Coralcube , but Coralcube has quickly surpassed Solanart in terms of transaction volume, transaction amount and number of buyer and seller and other items after launch.
Discord: Sagharkari#0109
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What we see in the graphs in front cumulative usd volume solanart is highet thand coral cube but cumulative transaction coral cube is higher than solanart
7 day and 30 day moving average average usd volume show us all the time solanart is higher coral cube.
this chart show us that total usd volume in solanart is higher than coral cube .
Of course, we also have days when this is the opposite. Six louse killers