Flash Bounty: NFT Royalty Comparison

Which platform is the king of NFT royalties?
Compare royalty payouts of 3 NFT marketplaces. Then choose at least 2 additional metrics to evaluate the impact of royalties on NFT market activity.
Bonus : Share your findings on Twitter and tag @flipsidecrypto
What are NFT royalties?
NFT royalties give you a percentage of the sale price each time your NFT creation is sold on a marketplace. NFT royalty payments are perpetual and are executed by smart contracts automatically.
With most marketplaces, you can choose your royalty percentage. 5-10% is considered a standard royalty.
Total User , transaction , paid royality
The chart on the left side shows all the Ethereum marketplaces sorted by the number of users.
As we can see, Opensea has the largest number of users with 90% of the total number of users.
In this dashboard, we select three of these marketplaces for review. I chose the first three markets based on the number of users:
Daily User , transaction , paid royality
Avg royality & platforms volume & Top projects
- Opensea has the largest number of users with 90% of the total number of users
- Opensea also has the largest number of transactions and the volume of paid royalty transactions
- In terms of time, opensea is the oldest and most well-known platform
- Art Block NFT collection is in first place with more than 93 million royalties
In this dashboard, we checked parameters such as volume of transactions, number of transactions, users and fees of selected platforms. The numbers easily show with a significant difference that the king of NFT royalties is opensea
In this dashboard, we plan to compare royalty payouts of 3 NFT marketplaces and find the king of NFT royalties. Next, with the flip side data and using the ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales table, the data related to NFT marketplaces that are active on Ethereum.
We will see the following:
- All nft marketplace on ethereum based on the number of users
- The number of all users and transactions and the amount of royalties of the three selected marketplaces
- Total User , transaction , paid royality for Each platform
- Daily users, transactions and royality
- Platforms volume
- average royality for each transaction
- Top 5 project with made most royality