sakineh5021-nIQRzBSwap Volume and Ukraine War (week)
    Updated 2022-04-19

    SELECT date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as weekly , platform , sum(AMOUNT_USD)
    from ethereum.dex_swaps D
    where block_timestamp::date > '2021-12-27'
    and platform <>'curve'
    and AMOUNT_USD is not null
    and direction = 'IN'
    and pool_name not like '%BurnX-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%MGH-WETH 3000 60 UNI-V3 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%QOM-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%BUILD-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%WETH-BEAN UNI-V2 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%CAT-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%WETH-BEAN UNI-V2 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%CAT-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%LAMBO-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%SHINTAMA-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%Para-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%SHIBURN-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%VOLT-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%COLLAR-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%$WEAPON-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%ABC-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%EVDC-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%UTD-USDC 10000 200 UNI-V3 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%WETH-ETHM 10000 200 UNI-V3 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%FEI-USDC 100 1 UNI-V3 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%DEPO-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%GVT-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%BLOCKS-WETH LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%RAI-DAI 500 10 UNI-V3 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%LUSD-OHM LP%'
    and pool_name not like 'CENT-WETH LP'
    and pool_name not like '%AZIZv2-ORBIv2 LP%'
    and pool_name not like '%ORBIv2-ARSUv2 LP%'
    Run a query to Download Data