sakineh5021-nIQRzBWithdraw to my wallet or to my Bentobox? 7
    Updated 2022-05-01
    with kashi as ( SELECT tx_hash
    from ethereum_core.fact_event_logs F
    WHERE CONTRACT_NAME like '%KashiPairMediumRiskV%')

    , wall as (
    SELECT date_trunc('month', block_timestamp) as daily, count(F.tx_hash) as number
    FROM ethereum_core.fact_event_logs F , kashi K
    where event_name = 'LogWithdraw'
    and K.tx_hash = f.tx_hash
    group by 1 )
    bento as (
    SELECT date_trunc('month' ,block_timestamp) as daily, count(F.tx_hash) as number
    FROM ethereum_core.fact_event_logs F , kashi K
    where CONTRACT_NAME = 'BentoBoxV1'
    and K.tx_hash = f.tx_hash
    group by 1

    SELECT B.daily , B.number as Bentobox , w.number as wallet
    from bento B , wall w
    where B.daily = W.daily

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