sakineh5021-nIQRzBSushibar Servings 2
    Updated 2022-04-19
    with inflow_xsushi as(
    SELECT date_trunc('month', block_timestamp) as weekly
    , sum(amount) as inflow
    from ethereum.udm_events U
    where weekly > '2021-01-01'
    and to_address ='0x8798249c2e607446efb7ad49ec89dd1865ff4272'
    group by 1
    outflow_xsushi as(
    SELECT date_trunc('month', block_timestamp) as weekly
    , sum(amount) as OUtflo
    from ethereum.udm_events U
    where weekly > '2021-01-01'
    and from_address ='0x8798249c2e607446efb7ad49ec89dd1865ff4272'
    group by 1

    SELECT I.weekly , inflow, -outflo as outflow , inflow-outflo as net_flow
    from inflow_xsushi I , outflow_xsushi O
    where I.weekly = O.weekly

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