Sushi rewards distribution

    Sushi’s “merkle distributor” is the contract that is used to distribute the rewards in SUSHI to eligible users. There was a vesting period of 27 weeks during which the rewards were gradually being assigned to users. But the vesting period finished on Oct 12th 2021 at 7:10 PM EDT. After this time, users should call the “merkle distributor” in order to withdraw their rewards because no more reward is being vested.

    in this dashboard we look at the rewards and we calculate the amount that has been distributed and the amount that has not been distributed. we also try to find the number of users that have claimed their rewards. then we look into users that are eligible to claim rewards and are considered dead wallets.

    first let's look at the total number of users and total amount of rewards.


    the table above shows the number of users and the amount of reward

    now, let's look at the amount of sushi that has been distributed.


    the chart above shows the amount of sushi that has been distributed by merkkle as rewards. the suhi has been distributed among eligible users. in the chart below, you can see the number of users that have claimed their rewards on a daily basis.


    as you can see in the chart above, the majority of users have claimed their rewards early on.

    now let's see what is the total amount of the sushi distributed.


    as you can see by now, almost 7 million sushis have been distributed.

    now let's look at the percentage of the users that have claimed their reward VS. the users that still haven't claimed their rewards.


    the chart above shows the number and percentage of users that have claimed their reward and those who haven't. as you can see, almost 90 percent of the users still have not claimed their reward.

    now let's look at the amount that has been claimed VS. the amount that hasn't been claimed.


    based on the chart above, almost 75 percent of the rewards has not been claimed. considering that 90 percent of users have not claimed their rewards, we can conclude that users with more rewards have claimed their sushi.

    and last let's look at the dead wallets and see what percentage of the users are considered as dead wallets.


    the chart above shows us that nearly 40 percent of the wallets are dead as in they have not initiated a transfer in the pas three month.